Along with his friends, a grumpy old albatross, a short-sighted mermaid, and a friendly island called Cliff, Oliver sets out to rescue his mission parents. On their perilous journey the friends meet evil islands, a boy called Stacey (not a girl's name), and more sea monkeys than you can wave some seaweed at.
Along with his friends, a grumpy old albatross, a short-sighted mermaid, and a friendly island called Cliff, Oliver sets out to rescue his mission parents. On their perilous journey the friends meet evil islands, a boy called Stacey (not a girl's name), and more sea monkeys than you can wave some seaweed at.
- ISBN13
- 9780192734884
- Format
- Paperback
- Language
- Age
6 - 8 Years,
9 - 12 Years
- Pages
- 208
- Dimensions
- 13 x 20 cm
- Publisher
Oxford University Press
- Publication Date
- 1 Jun 2014
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