Lots of magical creatures live in the Little Kingdom...
Join Ben Elf and Princess Holly in this magical sticker activity book as they have a picnic with dragons, rescue a missing unicorn and visit the Land of Mermaids. Create your very own colourful unicorns and mermaid tails, too!
Packed with lots of puzzles, activities and games. Includes 100 stickers!
Lots of magical creatures live in the Little Kingdom...
Join Ben Elf and Princess Holly in this magical sticker activity book as they have a picnic with dragons, rescue a missing unicorn and visit the Land of Mermaids. Create your very own colourful unicorns and mermaid tails, too!
Packed with lots of puzzles, activities and games. Includes 100 stickers!
- ISBN13
- 9780241375310
- Format
- Paperback
- Language
- Age
3 - 5 Years
- Pages
- 16
- Dimensions
- 21 x 30 cm
- Publisher
Penguin Random House UK
- Publication Date
- 8 Aug 2019
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