Lovingly created in soft pastel hues and set amidst the sweeping landscapes of the Lake District, The Tale of the Radish Robber sees Peter, Benjamin Bunny and their new friend - a white rabbit named Lily Bobtail - trying to find somewhere safe to enjoy the radishes they have stolen from Mr McGregor's vegetable garden. But someone else is after them too . . . Who could it be? Is is toothsome Mr Tod? Is it silly Squirrel Nutkin? Or is it someone much closer to home... ?
Lovingly created in soft pastel hues and set amidst the sweeping landscapes of the Lake District, The Tale of the Radish Robber sees Peter, Benjamin Bunny and their new friend - a white rabbit named Lily Bobtail - trying to find somewhere safe to enjoy the radishes they have stolen from Mr McGregor's vegetable garden. But someone else is after them too . . . Who could it be? Is is toothsome Mr Tod? Is it silly Squirrel Nutkin? Or is it someone much closer to home... ?
- ISBN13
- 9780723281467
- Format
- Paperback
- Language
- Age
3 - 5 Years,
6 - 8 Years
- Pages
- 32
- Dimensions
- 203 x 203 x 4mm | 128g
- Edition
- UK ed.
- Series
Peter Rabbit
- Publisher
Penguin Random House UK
- Publication Date
- 9 Jul 2013
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